The Unix CD Bookshelf, Third Edition

Description : If you've heard the phrase, "You can't take it with you," you may have thought, sadly, that it referred to your trusted shelf of O'Reilly Unix books. Thorough, reliable, and all encompassing, these books are unfortunately not especially portable en masse--unless, of course, you have a copy of the Unix CD Bookshelf. The Unix CD Bookshelf keeps all the books you've come to rely on right at your fingertips, wherever you may go. Version 3 provides convenient online access to seven indispensable books:
  • Unix Power Tools, 3rd Edition
  • Learning the Unix Operating System, 5th Edition
  • Learning the vi Editor, 6th Edition
  • Mac OS X for Unix Geeks
  • Learning the Korn Shell, 2nd Edition
  • sed & awk, 2nd Edition
  • Unix in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition
--all from your CD-ROM drive. The CD has a master index for all seven books and a powerful search engine--and all the text is extensively hyper-linked--so you can find what you're looking for quickly. Packaged with the hard copy of Unix in a Nutshell, Third Edition, it takes up less than two inches of bookshelf space, and when you're on the run, you can just grab the CD and go. The seven books included on the CD --well over 3,000 pages of useful O'Reilly reference and tutorials-- if purchased separately, would cost more than $330 (US), but the Unix CD Bookshelf, Version 3 retails for only $129.95. The Unix CD Bookshelf packs a stack of essential Unix books into one comprehensive, immensely convenient, and portable small package. Next time they say that you can't take it with you, you'll know better.
Publisher O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Author(s) O'Reilly Media, Inc.
ISBN 0-596-00392-7
Release Date January 2003
Page 616

Ajax For Dummies

Ajax: The Definitive Guide

Windows 2000 Commands Pocket Reference

Description : Windows administrators can accomplish many of their routine tasks much more quickly by using the command line (similar to the command line of DOS or Unix-based systems) than by going through the graphical user interface that most users associate with Windows. Windows 20000 Commands Pocket Reference documents the Windows command mode. It's designed for system administrators, but will also be valuable to many users. It includes most available Windows 2000 commands, as well as the most useful system administration command-line utilities from the Resource Kit. Weeded out of this book are Windows commands and command options that are obscure, obsolete, broken, unacceptably insecure, or frankly inadvisable, as well a few special-purpose classes of commands. Whenever several utilities perform essentially identical tasks, we include only the best of them. Commands are grouped according to their purpose and function; within a group, commands are arranged alphabetically. Options for each command are grouped by function and ordered by importance. The Windows 2000 Commands Pocket Reference complements Windows 2000 Administration in a Nutshell by conveying the kind of no-nonsense, boiled-down information typical of O'Reilly's highly successful companion Pocket Reference series. It's a valuable, concise reference to Windows 2000 commands and command-line utilities.
Publisher O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Author(s) Æleen Frisch
ISBN 0-596-00148-7
Release Date March 2001
Page 116

Building a Web Site with Ajax: Visual QuickProject Guide

AJAX Rich Internet Applications and Web Development for Programmers

Oracle PL/SQL Built-ins Pocket Reference

Description : This pocket reference provides quick-reference information that will help you use Oracle Corporation's extensive set of built-in functions and packages, including those new to Oracle8. Oracle's PL/SQL language is a programming language providing procedural extensions to the SQL relational database language and to an ever-growing number of Oracle development tools. Among the most useful constructs in the PL/SQL language are the built-in functions and packages. Built-in functions are constructs that operate on certain types of data (e.g., numeric, character) to return a result. By using functions, you can minimize the coding you need to do in your programs. Functions are described in detail in Steven Feuerstein's Oracle PL/SQL Programming; this comprehensive guide to building applications with PL/SQL has become the bible for PL/SQL developers who have raved about its completeness, readability, and practicality. Built-in functions fall into several major categories:
  • Character functions: Operate on character data. Examples include CONCAT (concatenates two strings into one), LENGTH (returns the length of a string), and REPLACE (replaces a character sequence in a string with a different set of characters).
  • Date functions: Operate on dates and supplement the DATE datatype. Examples include SYSDATE (returns the current date and time in the Oracle Server) and LAST_DAY (returns the last day in the month of the specified date).
  • Numeric functions: Operate on numeric data. Examples include CEIL (returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number) and POWER (returns a number raised to a particular power).
  • LOB functions: Operate on large object data. Examples include EMPTY_BLOB (returns an empty locator of the binary large object type) and EMPTY_CLOB (returns an empty locator of the character large object type).
  • Conversion functions: Perform explicit conversions of different types of data. Examples include TO_CHAR (converts a number or date to a string) and TO_NUMBER (converts a string to a number).
  • Miscellaneous functions. Examples include GREATEST (returns the greatest of the specified list of values) and UID (returns the user ID of the current Oracle session).
Built-in packages (collections of PL/SQL objects, such as functions, procedures, and data structures) greatly expand the scope of the PL/SQL language. These packages are described in detail in Feuerstein's and Beresniewicz's book, Oracle Built-in Packages. Built-in packages are built by Oracle Corporation and stored directly in the Oracle database. The functionality of the built-ins is available from any programming environment that can call PL/SQL stored procedures, including Visual Basic, Oracle Developer/2000, Oracle Application Server (for Web-based development), and, of course, the Oracle database itself. Built-in packages extend the capabilities and power of PL/SQL in many significant ways. For example:
  • DBMS_SQL executes dynamically constructed SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks of code.
  • DBMS_PIPE communicates between different Oracle sessions through a pipe in the RDBMS shared memory.
  • DBMS_JOB submits and manages regularly scheduled jobs for execution inside the database.
  • DBMS_LOB accesses and manipulates Oracle8's large objects (LOBs) from within PL/SQL programs.
The book shows how to call all of the commonly used built-in functions and packages. For packages, it also shows the RESTRICT REFERENCES pragmas (needed if you call packages from a SQL statement), as well as the exceptions, constants, and data structures defined in the packages.
Publisher O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Author(s) Steven Feuerstein, John Beresniewicz, Chip Dawes
ISBN 1-56592-456-8
Release Date October 1998
Page 76

Ajax Construction Kit Building Plug-and-Play Ajax Applications

Ajax in Oracle JDeveloper

Ajax Security

Enterprise Ajax: Strategies for Building High Performance Web Applications

Adding Ajax

Oracle Web Applications: PL/SQL Developer's Introduction

Description : This compact guide provides the jump-start Oracle developers need to make the transition from traditional programming to the development of useful Web applications for Oracle8i. Even readers who start out knowing nothing about HTML, PL/SQL, or Oracle's other tools will learn how to create simple Web applications in a matter of days. The book focuses on Oracle8i, but also covers Web development for earlier Oracle versions (Oracle8 and Oracle7). Background: The explosion in the use of the Internet and the Web has resulted in a whole new way of doing business. Developers who only yesterday were using COBOL to write accounts payable systems are now being asked to create a broad range of new Internet-based applications ranging from electronic commerce (e-commerce) Web sites to internal data warehouses to enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Unfortunately, the filesystem architectures of most Web systems aren't up to the task. The new breed of Web applications -- which are quickly becoming critical resources that companies need to survive -- demand a platform that provides production-quality tools for content management, application development, and application integration. And current Web techniques are inadequate in many ways. Oracle8i, Oracle's "Internet database," gives Web developers a way to build Web technology on top of a relational database, rather than on a traditional filesystem. With Oracle8i, companies can apply well understood, reliable, production-quality database methodologies to Web content management. Oracle8i also supports a wide variety of application development platforms and tools that are tightly integrated to the core database. Finally, Oracle8i supports technologies that help companies tie their Web-based applications into legacy applications. There is a lot to learn in Oracle8i. Not only does it enhance basic database features, it introduces Java and a variety of Web development tools. Oracle8i provides a soup-to-nuts platform for Web site and Web application development that extends traditional database concepts to Web content. It replaces the traditional filesystem used by most Web servers with a database management system. Many users are intimidated by the vast array of new technologies in Oracle8i. And yet, they are under pressure to use these technologies to build complex Web applications right now. This book gives such users a way to start using Oracle8i immediately to create useful Web applications. It is a concise, easy-to-read guide to the basic technologies developers need to understand in order to build Web applications. Contains: The book describes the following Web development tools:
  • PL/SQL-- a structured programming language that combines procedural constructs and standard SQL. It offers such features as cursors, loops, conditional and sequential control statements, exception handlers, records, tables, and constructs for developing modular code (functions, procedures, and packages).
  • PL/SQL Toolkit -- a set of PL/SQL packages supplied by Oracle for use in developing Web applications.
  • HTML -- an ASCII-based markup language used to create Web pages.
  • WebDB -- A software system for building, monitoring, and creating content-driven Web sites; it allows users to use a Web browser to access and store information in the Oracle8i database.
  • Oracle Application Server (OAS) -- an extensible Web server that uses plug-in programs called cartridges to allow database-integrated Web systems to be developed in a variety of languages (e.g., PL/SQL, Java, Perl).
  • XML -- An emerging standard for creating self-describing documents. It is similar to HTML but allows you to create your own markup tags. XML is expected to be a key technology in electronic commerce systems.
  • The book also presents several fully realized sample Web applications that will teach you how to build such applications of your own.
NOTE: Although this book touches on the Java features of Oracle8i, it doesn't cover Java development per se. Switching to Java represents an enormous change for most Oracle developers. This book provides an evolutionary path for readers who want to do useful Oracle8i Web development now, using mostly familiar tools. Additional books will provide Java training for those who have mastered these Web tools and want to take the next step.
Publisher O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Author(s) Andrew Odewahn
ISBN 1-56592-687-0
Release Date September 1999
Page 256

Build Your Own AJAX Web Applications

Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX

Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages

Description : Steven Feuerstein's first book, Oracle PL/SQL Programming, has become the classic reference to PL/SQL, Oracle's procedural extension to its SQL language. His new book looks thoroughly at one especially advanced and powerful part of the PL/SQL language -- the package. The use of packages can dramatically improve your programming productivity and code quality, while preparing you for object-oriented development in Oracle technology. In this book, Feuerstein explains how to construct packages -- and how to build them the right way. His "best practices" for building packages will transform the way you write packages and help you get the most out of the powerful, but often poorly understood, PL/SQL language. Much more than a book, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages comes with a PC diskette containing a full-use software companion. Developed by Feuerstein, RevealNet's PL/Vision Lite is the first of its kind for PL/SQL developers: a library of thirty-plus PL/SQL packages. The packages solve a myriad of common programming problems and vastly accelerate the development of modular and maintainable applications. The packages provided in PL/Vision Lite fall into three categories:
  • Building block packages: low-level development enhancers, including string parsers, a list manager, and an interface to PL/SQL tables.
  • Developer utilities: programs that improve your PL/SQL development environment, including a code generator, a powerful substitute for SHOW ERRORS, and an online help delivery mechanism.
  • Plug-and-play components: pieces of code that can be used as is in your own applications, including a high-level exception handler mechanism and a generic, reusable logging mechanism.
In addition to describing the details of these packages, this book explores why and how they were built the way they were. You'll come away with an increased appreciation of the PL/SQL language and the power of packages. Most importantly, you'll be ready and eager to put that power to use immediately in your own applications.
Publisher O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Author(s) Steven Feuerstein
ISBN 1-56592-238-7
Release Date October 1996
Page 687

Oracle Built-in Packages

Description : Oracle is the most popular database management system in use today, and PL/SQL plays a pivotal role in current and projected Oracle products and applications. PL/SQL is a programming language providing procedural extensions to the SQL relational database language and to an ever-growing number of oracle development tools. originally a rather limited tool, PL/SQL became with Oracle7 a mature and effective language for developers. now, with the introduction of Oracle8, PL/SQL has taken the next step towards becoming a fully realized programming language providing sophisticated object-oriented capabilities. Steven Feuerstein's Oracle PL/SQL Programming is a comprehensive guide to building applications with PL/SQL. That book has become the bible for PL/SQL developers who have raved about its completeness, readability, and practicality. Built-in packages are collections of PL/SQL objects built by Oracle Corporation and stored directly in the Oracle database. The functionality of these packages is available from any programming environment that can call PL/SQL stored procedures, including Visual Basic, Oracle Developer/2000, Oracle Application Server (for web-based development), and, of course, the Oracle database itself. Built-in packages extend the capabilities and power of PL/SQL in many significant ways. for example:
  • DBMS_SQL executes dynamically constructed SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks of code.
  • DBMS_PIPE communicates between different Oracle sessions through a pipe in the RDBMS shared memory.
  • DBMS_JOB submits and manages regularly scheduled jobs for execution inside the database.
  • DBMS_LOB accesses and manipulates Oracle8's large objects (LOBs) from within PL/SQL programs.
The first edition of Oracle PL/SQL Programming contained a chapter on Oracle's built-in packages. but there is much more to say about the basic PL/SQL packages than Feuerstein could fit in his first book. In addition, now that Oracle8 has been released, there are many new Oracle8 built-in packages not described in the PL/SQL book. There are also packages extensions for specific oracle environments such as distributed database. hence this book. Oracle Built-in Packages pulls together information about how to use the calling interface (API) to Oracle's Built-in Packages, and provides extensive examples on using the built-in packages effectively. The windows diskette included with the book contains the companion guide, an online tool developed by RevealNet, Inc., that provides point-and-click access to the many files of source code and online documentation developed by the authors. The table of contents follows: Preface Part I: Overview
  • 1. Introduction
Part II: Application Development Packages
  • Executing Dynamic SQL and PL/SQL
  • Intersession Communication
  • User Lock and Transaction Management
  • Oracle Advanced Queuing
  • Generating Output from PL/SQL Programs
  • Defining an Application Profile
  • Managing Large Objects
  • Datatype Packages
  • Miscellaneous Packages
Part III: Server Management Packages
  • Managing Session Information
  • Managing Server Resources
  • Job Scheduling in the Database
Part IV: Distributed Database Packages
  • Snapshots
  • Advanced Replication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Deferred Transactions and Remote Procedure Calls
Appendix. What's on the companion disk?
Publisher O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Author(s) Steven Feuerstein, Charles Dye, John Beresniewicz
ISBN 1-56592-375-8
Release Date May 1998
Page 952

Advanced ASP.NET AJAX Server Controls For .NET Framework 3.5

Dojo: The Definitive Guide

MooTools Essentials: The Official MooTools Reference for JavaScript™ and Ajax Development

Beginning Google Maps Applications with Rails and Ajax

Ajax Patterns and Best Practices

Ajax on Rails

Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX [Total Training]

Password default: netbks.com

Ajax VTC Training CD


Lynda.com AJAX Crash Cours by SitePoint

Head First Ajax

Advanced Ajax: Architecture and Best Practices

Practical JBoss(r) Seam Projects (Practical)

Ajax for Web Application Developers by Kris Hadlock

Google Web Toolkit GWT Java AJAX Programming

Professional Ajax

Developing Service-Oriented AJAX Applications on the Microsoft® Platform

Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform: Bringing Rich Client to the Web

Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks

Oracle PL/SQL Programming: A Developer's Workbook

Description : However excellent they are, most computer books are inherently passive--readers simply take in text without having any opportunity to react to it. The Oracle PL/SQL Developer's Workbook is a different kind of animal! It's designed to engage you actively, to get you solving programming problems immediately, and to help you apply what you've learned about PL/SQL--and in the process deepen your knowledge of the language. By tackling the exercises in this workbook, you'll find yourself moving more rapidly along the learning curve to join the growing ranks of PL/SQL experts. The Oracle PL/SQL Developer's Workbook is a companion to Steven Feuerstein's bestselling Oracle PL/SQL Programming and his other PL/SQL books from O'Reilly. It contains a carefully constructed set of problems and solutions that will test your language skills and help you become a better developer--both with PL/SQL and with other languages. Exercises are provided at three levels: beginner, intermediate, and expert. The workbook exercises cover all the major features of PL/SQL, including those new to Oracle8i (e.g., Java and web features, autonomous transactions, and bulk binds). You'll find chapters on:
  • Basic language elements--variables, naming, loops, conditional and sequential control, exception handling, and records.
  • Data structures--index-by tables, nested tables, variables arrays (VARRAYs), and object technology.
  • Database interaction--cursors, DML and transaction management, cursor variables, and native dynamic SQL
  • Program construction--procedures, functions, blocks, packages, database triggers, and calling PL/SQL functions in SQL.
  • Built-in functionality--the character, date, conversion, numeric, and miscellaneous functions, and the DBMS_SQL, DBMS_PIPE, DBMS_OUTPUT, UTL_FILE, and DBMS_JOB built-in packages.
  • Miscellaneous topics--using Java with PL/SQL, external programs, PL/SQL web development, tuning PL/SQL, and PL/SQL for DBAs.
Publisher O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Author(s) Steven Feuerstein, Andrew Odewahn
ISBN 1-56592-674-9
Release Date May 2000
Page 592

Learning Oracle PL/SQL

Description : PL/SQL, Oracle's programming language for stored procedures, delivers a world of possibilities for your database programs. PL/SQL supplements the standard relational database language, SQL, with a wide range of procedural features, including loops, IF-THEN statements, advanced data structures, and rich transactional control--all closely integrated with the Oracle database server. Knowing where to start with Oracle's procedural language is not always obvious to a newcomer, especially considering the language's feature set and the sheer size of the official documentation (not to mention Oracle's ever-increasing number of pre-built PL/SQL programs). But Learning Oracle PL/SQL offers the signposts and guidance you need to come up to speed on the language, delivered in a manageable number of pages while covering all the essentials. Topics include:

* PL/SQL--what is it, and why use it? Why use PL/SQL instead of Java?
* Syntax and examples of all core language constructs
* Creating, using, and reusing stored procedures, functions, and packages
* Building web-based applications using PL/SQL features available "out of the box" (such as PL/SQL Server Pages)
* Securing PL/SQL programs against attack
* Benefits of third-party developer tools and integrated development environments
* Connecting PL/SQL to email, Java, and the Internet

Meticulously crafted with all-new examples downloadable from examples.oreilly.com/learnoracle, the book addresses language features available in all versions of Oracle, from Oracle7 to Oracle8i to Oracle9i. Learning Oracle PL/SQL was written by PL/SQL experts Bill Pribyl and Steven Feuerstein, whose easy-to-read style and attention to detail has made other O'Reilly books (such as the bestselling Oracle PL/SQL Programming) very popular among Oracle developers worldwide. Learning Oracle PL/SQL is meant for a wide range of target audiences, including both beginning programmers and those already experienced with other programming languages. Whether you are a new developer, a crossover programmer from another database system, or a new database administrator who needs to learn PL/SQL, this book will get you well on your way. It is the perfect introduction to Oracle PL/SQL Programming, also by Pribyl and Feuerstein.
Publisher O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Author(s) Bill Pribyl
ISBN 0-596-00180-0
Release Date November 2001
Page 424

Oracle PL/SQL Programming, Fourth Edition

Description : For the past ten years, O'Reilly's Oracle PL/SQL Programming has been the bestselling book on PL/SQL, Oracle's powerful procedural language. Packed with examples and helpful recommendations, the book has helped everyone--from novices to experienced developers, and from Oracle Forms developers to database administrators--make the most of PL/SQL.

The fourth edition is a comprehensive update, adding significant new content and extending coverage to include the very latest Oracle version, Oracle Database 10g Release 2. It describes such new features as the PL/SQL optimizing compiler, conditional compilation, compile-time warnings, regular expressions, set operators for nested tables, nonsequential collections in FORALL, the programmer-defined quoting mechanism, the ability to backtrace an exception to a line number, a variety of new built-in packages, and support for IEEE 754 compliant floating-point numbers.

The new edition adds brand-new chapters on security (including encryption, row-level security, fine-grained auditing, and application contexts), file, email, and web I/O (including the built-in packages DBMS_OUTPUT, UTL_FILE, UTL_MAIL, UTL_SMTP, and UTL_HTTP) and globalization and localization.

Co-authored by the world's foremost PL/SQL authority, Steven Feuerstein, this classic reference provides language syntax, best practices, and extensive code, ranging from simple examples to complete applications--making it a must-have on your road to PL/SQL mastery. A companion web site contains many more examples and additional technical content for enhanced learning.

Publisher O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Author(s) Steven Feuerstein, Bill Pribyl
ISBN 0-596-00977-1
Release Date August 2005
Page 1198

Windows XP Bible

CCSP Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Advanced Exam Certification Guide CCSP Self-Study


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